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Understanding Facebook's 24-Hour Rule and Re-engagement Rules

Intro to Message Tags and One-Time Notifications

A healthy dialogue can help kick start meaningful relationships. And when it comes to consumers and our interaction with businesses, “peer-to-business” conversations are no different. Manychat is all about helping you build relationships and conversations with your customers. Understanding Facebook's 24-Hour Rule and Re-engagement Rules will help you understand all the Messenger by Facebook rules and regulations to have these meaningful conversations and prevent getting blocked.

In this module you’ll learn: 

  • What is the 24-hour rule
  • What does One-time notification mean and how to use it
  • What are Message Tags and the breakdown
  • What to do if Facebook blocks you
  • SMS and email re-engagement rules
  • And more

Manychat Course Expert: Jonathan Senin, Manychat Product Marketing Manager, and Kassandra Keeton, Manychat Community Manager

About Kassandra

Kassandra is passionate about empowering others for greater success. So much so, she started her own digital marketing education business to shorten people's learning curves by breaking down the tech into easy-to-understand, byte-sized pieces. A python developer, entrepreneur, and now the Community Advocate for Manychat, Kassandra is looking forward to hearing about your success stories.

About Jonathan

Jonathan Senin is a product marketing manager at Manychat. He's excited to bring the Chat Marketing movement to brands across the globe. Jonathan plays tennis and trumpet in his free time.

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