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Best Messenger Bot CTA Examples

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Written by Hailey Hudson
Best Messenger Bot CTA Examples

You’ve created your masterpiece. Your bot is nearly perfect — it has a bot name, the right questions and answers, and you have an engaging flow to entice users. However, nothing seems to convert. One common mistake is a lack of call to action button (CTA). Have you fallen into this mishap?

Your Messenger bot’s CTA is an important aspect of any message sequence: The CTA hooks readers into doing what you want them to do. You can use CTA buttons for several purposes — to ask people to download a PDF, visit a product page, or even make a purchase. 

As essential as CTA buttons are, however, it can be difficult to find just the right language that convinces people of the value you’re offering. If you need some inspiration, here are a few examples of the best Messenger bot CTA buttons for different types of asks.

Product Purchase

product purchase message

This chatbot CTA from coach, writer, and dating expert Matthew Hussey asks readers to purchase an ebook. According to Natasha Takahashi, CMO at Ineffable Marketing, this ask is effective because of the language used.

“Instead of saying ‘buy now’ or ‘purchase now’ in the CTA copy, we position it as ‘tell me more’ about the content the bot has been sharing in previous messages,” she explains. This way, the ask is less invasive, simply asking customers if they’d like to keep learning instead of blatantly pushing them to make a purchase.

Before applying this technique, the result of the seven-day message sequence was a CTR (click-through rate) that hovered between 30 and 50 percent.

product purchase dashboard

After redoing the CTA, however, the CTR jumped to 95 percent or higher.

You can improve your own click-through rate by using creative, inviting language instead of the traditional “buy now.”

Ready to improve your click-through rate?

Lead Magnet 

Lead Magnet

Asking someone to download a free lead magnet is another effective method of using your Messenger bot’s CTA. Lead magnets not only help you get more email subscribers and boost your conversion rate, but they also build trust between you and your audience. Here, Matthew Hussey’s “Matt Bot” invited Facebook users to download a free PDF and the Facebook CTA traffic hit over 15,000 users.

“The emoji at the beginning of the CTA button always performs at least 20 percent better than the emoji at the end of the button,” Takahashi explains.

She also adds that “Show me ___;” “Get ___;” “Download ___;” and “Access ___” are the best-performing CTA’s when it comes to free content opt-ins.

You can implement this idea into your own lead magnet CTA’s by strategically placing your emojis and choosing language that reflects your brand.

Free PDF

free pdf cta

Instead of asking users to download a PDF, consider directly delivering the PDF to them through Messenger. This type of message flow gets a 95 percent click rate, according to Takahashi, because the user is essentially able to choose their own adventure.

“They can either breeze through the content quickly, or they can spend more time on certain points of the content,” she says.

Sending users free information within your Messenger conversation is an effective tactic because the user is in control — it’s easy to select the type of content that’s most relevant to them.

Sign Up 

Many companies leverage their Messenger bots to ask users to register for a webinar, conference, or other online events. Personal development brand Mindvalley did exactly this by inviting Facebook users to a free webinar — users saw an ad in their feed that invited them to respond via comment; those who commented received a message.

If you choose to create a page post (the ad that pops up in a user’s feed) to attract new leads, optimize the post for mobile and then keep your chatbot’s follow-up message concise. Takahashi shares her best tips for creating this kind of campaign, whether it’s to entice a webinar sign-up or for something else: “We keep the page post copy and [the] message to commenters as short as possible. Adding a waving hand emoji at the beginning of the message to commenters attracts their attention, and we keep the CTA very simple and direct.”

Messenger Bot CTAs

While creating effective Messenger CTAs might seem like a puzzle, it’s not that tricky — and it can have huge results for your business. Use conversational language to advertise your lead magnet, ebook, or webinar and you’ll see more conversions from your Messenger bot.

So, what’s your bot’s CTA?

Originally published: Nov 25, 2019, Updated: Mar 25, 2022
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Hailey Hudson

Hailey Hudson is a full-time freelance writer based out of Atlanta, Georgia.