How to Get Started with Manychat

Max Gibbons Avatar
Written by Max Gibbons

Manychat connects small businesses to customers using mobile devices they use everyday, whether it’s SMS, email, or, the most popular platform of all, Messenger by Facebook. Combined, these powerful digital channels comprise the exciting world of omnichannel marketing.

Whether you have just signed up for Manychat, or need a refresher, this is the webinar to watch to familiarize yourself with Manychat and omnichannel marketing, and start building your flows with confidence.

Max Gibbons, Manychat’s Content Marketing Manager, takes you through the set-up of basic but essential Manychat features, growth tools and more. This webinar barely scratches the surface of what you can do with Manychat, but the result will still make even the newest user feel like an omnichannel marketing pro.


Creating a flow that garners subscribers and grows your business isn’t rocket science, but it can propel your sales to new heights. In this webinar, you’ll walk away with: 

  • Insights into standout Manychat features, like the Customer Chat Widget, that every user should know about.

  • Starting steps for engaging customers and getting them into the flow.

  • Flow building step-by-step, coding short-cuts, and troubleshooting tips if you run into problems.

  • Savvy suggestions for features like Messenger Rates and Facebook Comments you can use to capture emails and keep customers engaged.

  • Key Manychat Pro account / Free account differentiators.


  • 00:00: Welcome to our “Getting Started” webinar

  • 00:24: Webinar overview and objectives

  • 00:51: Manychat backgrounder & intro to omnichannel marketing

  • 01:51: Customer Chat Widget primer (how it works, what it automates)

  • 02:49: Create new flow walkthrough (“Let’s get this show on the road!”)

  • 03:29: JavaScript Snippet reminder

  • 03:53: Don’t explode your website :)

  • 04:29: Check Growth tool test / troubleshooting tips

  • 05:14: Building automation walkthrough

  • 05:22: What is a flow anyway?

  • 07:21: Email signup option

  • 08:22: SMS signup option

  • 10:29: Talk to a Human set up (Notify Admins)

  • 11:18: Customer engagement tips

  • 11:57: Hit publish!

  • 13:00: Messenger Ref URLs, FB Comments Growth Tool


After you have finished watching, don’t forget to leave your feedback and sign up for our next upcoming online Q&A session.

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