How to Get in Touch with Your List on SMS, Messenger and Email, whenever You Need Them

Fara Rosenzweig Avatar
Written by Fara Rosenzweig

Key Points

  • Collect contact details in order to go multichannel (via user input and One-time notification permissions during your first campaign)

  • Use Email, OTN (One-time notifications), and SMS for further re-engagement campaigns via broadcasts and date/event triggers

  • Learn how to use email and SMS and reach your audience regardless of where they are

  • Discover how to quickly grow your audience and get subscribers from website and social media with a low cost-per-leadInstall the templates from this session!

  • Template: Manychat SMS + Smart Delay for Dates

  • Template: Email Template with Bold and WhatsApp URL

Speaker Info

Trilce Jirón is the founder of TBS Marketing in Costa Rica, designed Interdepartmental Marketing. By providing communication channels that include both the client’s staff and top-tier managers, and uniting graphic design, marketing, sales, and customer support under one umbrella, she can brag about her company’s unbelievable results and 100% retention rate.

Angela Allan is the founder of an award-winning Australian Chat Marketing agency. She’s also a conversion copywriter whose sales page for Matthew Hussey resulted in 44% more sign-ups, and her strategies have helped countless clients land six-figure deals. As an award-winning journalist, Angela has written for Rolling Stone, FHM, and Australian Penthouse.

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