The life of a salesperson is a rollercoaster ride. Some days, the sun shines bright and showers you with new leads, good prospects, and closed deals. On other days, no luck, no gain.
Getting on with a sales job without motivation can be hard. However, with the right spirit and workmanship, it’s possible to turn rejections into opportunities and failures into stepping stones for success.
We have curated some of the most inspiring quotes from leaders in sales and business to help you push your limits and hit the target hard in the coming year.

“Approach each customer with the idea of helping him or her to solve a problem or achieve a goal, not of selling a product or service.” – Brian Tracy

“Hard work is about risk. It begins when you deal with the things that you would rather not deal with: fear of failure, fear of standing out, fear of rejection. Hard work is about training yourself to leap over this barrier, drive through the other barrier. And after you have done that, do it again the next time.” – Seth Godin

“If you’re not taking care of your customers, your competitor will.” – Bob Hooey

“For every sale you miss because you were too enthusiastic, you’ll miss a hundred because you weren’t enthusiastic enough.” – Zig Ziglar

“Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes.” – Henry J. Kaiser

“Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.” – Jim Rohn

“Make a customer, not a sale.”- Katherine Barchetti

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity: an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill

“It’s not about having the right opportunities. It’s about handling the opportunities right.” – Mark Hunter

“Outstanding people have one thing in common: An absolute sense of mission.” – Zig Ziglar

“You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.” – Henry Ford

“Fortune favors the bold.” – Virgil

“Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. It is courage that counts.” – Winston Churchill

“If you are not making mistakes then you are not doing anything.” – John Wooden

“Start working with your prospects as if they have already hired you.” – Jill Konrath

“Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.” – Chris Grosser

“Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.” – John C. Maxwell

“Expect to make mistakes when you are trying new and different approaches.” – Harvey Mackay

“Sometimes the most influential thing we can do it listen.” – Bob Burg

“Stop saying LATER. You won’t do it later. Do it or decide not to do it.” – Chris Brogan

“Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success. ” – Biz Stone

“Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor.” – Brian Tracy

“If you are not moving closer to what you want in sales, you probably aren’t doing enough asking.” – Jack Canfield

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – Jim Rohn

“Begin always expecting good things to happen.” – Tom Hopkins

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

“Tough times never last, but tough people do.” – Robert Schuller

“I never see failure as a failure, but only as the game I must play and win.” – Tom Hopkins

“Every mail is an opportunity to test a different benefit or angle.” – Heather R. Morgan

“You don’t close a sale; you open a relationship if you want to build a long-term, successful enterprise.” – Patricia Fripp

“Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation.” – Zig Ziglar

“Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” – Sam Levenson

“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.” David Brinkley

“If people like you, they will listen to you, but if they trust you, they will do business with you.” – Zig Ziglar

“Do not let what you can’t do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden

“Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin

“How you sell matters. What your process is matters. But how your customers feel when they engage with you matters more.” – Tiffani Bova
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“The major difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that the former look for problems to resolve, whereas the latter make every attempt to avoid them.” – Grant Cardone

“What differentiates sellers today is their ability to bring fresh ideas.” – Jill Konrath

“Quality performance starts with a positive attitude.” – Jeffrey Gitomer

“Nobody likes to be sold to, but everybody likes to buy.” – Earl Taylor

“Most people think SELLING is the same as TALKING. But the most effective salespeople know that LISTENING is the most important part of their job.” – Roy Bartell

“What we dwell on is who we become.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Every sale has five obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.” – Zig Ziglar

“Selling is essentially a transference of feelings.” – Zig Ziglar

“Humanize the sales process or perish.” – Steli Efti

“Buyers do business with you, not with your company and not with your technology.” – Joanne Black

“Sales success comes from the right balance of quality human interaction and appropriate use of supplemental tools.” – Deb Calvert

“Killer salespeople uncover true problems behind desired solutions.” – Aaron Ross

“Leaders must get across the why as well as the what.” – John Doerr

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins

“Value the relationship more than the quota.”- Jeff Gitomer

“Sales success comes after you stretch yourself past your limits on a daily basis.” – Omar Periu

“Expect the best, prepare for the worst, and capitalize on what comes.” – Zig Ziglar

“Become the person who would attract the results you seek.” – Jim Cathcart

“Prospecting – Find the man with the problem.” – Ben Friedman

“If you aren’t going all the way, why go at all?” – Joe Namath

“It is not your customer’s job to remember you. It is your obligation and responsibility to make sure they don’t have the chance to forget you.” – Patricia Fripp

“Don’t give up on something you believe in, you will find a way.” – Roy T. Bennett

“Ninety percent of selling is convincing and 10 percent is persuasion.” – Shiv Khera

“You are only as good as your last sale, so you put your all into something and just hope that from that you can get your next job.” – Josh Peck

“Focus on being productive instead of being busy.” – Tim Ferriss

“Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman, not the attitude of the prospect.” – W. Clement Stone

“Accountability breeds responsibility.” – Stephen Covey

“It’s no longer about interrupting, pitching, and closing. It’s about listening, diagnosing, and prescribing.” – Mark Roberge

“Today is always the most productive day of your week.” – Mark Hunter

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great” – John D Rockefeller

“The expert in anything was once a beginner.” – Helen Hayes

“There is no magic in closing. There are no magic phrases. Closing a deal is completely dependent on the situation.” – Alice Heiman

“We are not here to take part. We are here to take over.” – Conor McGregor

“Practice is just as valuable as sales. The sale will make you a living; the skill will make you a fortune. ” – Jim Konrath

“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” – Wayne Dyer

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.” – Pablo Picasso

“Leadership belongs to those who take it.” – Sheryl Sandberg