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Convert your Leads into Clients with smart ChatBots designed by DefDevice<br><br> If you are reading this, you probably already know that ChatBots can<br> - Improve your conversion rate<br> - Engage with prospects 24/7 and respond even when your staff is sleeping<br> - Generate leads that would be lost otherwise<br> .. and much more<br><br> We specialize in creating tailor-made ManyChat Bots that best fit your business needs. A major part of that is integrating the bot with your existing assets like your Website, CRM, Online Store etc. So that the leads generated are ready to be followed up and converted into customers.<br><br> Having worked with Amazon Sellers, Restaurants, Beauty Salons, E-commerce Stores, and many more industries, we know what it takes to create a system that delivers results.<br> Let's have a chat!


  • Consulting
  • eCommerce
  • Professional Services
  • Local Business
  • Health&Beauty
  • Restaurant
  • Miscellaneous
  • Travel
  • Real Estate
  • Finance