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Real Estate ChatCodes Guru

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Real Estate ChatCodes Guru


Agent love to send Just Sold mailers, Newsletters and general marketing piece, but then what? It’s important to get into mailboxes! Just Sold cards, Monthly newsletters, and general marketing mail. Your potential clients get the card, read it, and it very best put it on their refrigerator for “later” There is a better way! Add a QR scan code to the marketing piece. But not just any QR Code! A code that starts a messenger conversations. Automation picks up the conversation and when necessary will notify the agent when they should hop on the conversation. QR codes for Just Sold, Newsletters, Events, General Info, and Digital Business Card Chatcodes Guru makes it that easy! More conversations = more leads= more buyers and sellers! Ready to get your personalized Real Estate Chatbot.


  • Real Estate