Vulnerability disclosure form

Report a vulnerability

Manychat values the information security community and believes that work with independent researchers will make us better. We really appreciate your interest and effort in finding issues in our product from a security perspective. For us, security of the product and our customers is a top priority.

To share a vulnerability found in our product, please complete the following form. We will keep you informed on the progress of your report.

What will happen after you submit your report?
  1. Our security team will validate the reported vulnerability. We aim to complete this step within 5 working days.

  2. We will contact the responsible team to notify them of the vulnerability/matter and resolve the issue. The troubleshooting timeline depends on the impact, severity and exploit complexity.

  3. As a final step we will contact you and send you the result of vulnerability remediation.


We don't have a bug bounty program at the moment, therefore, we do not offer monetary rewards for vulnerability disclosures. Nevertheless, we do encourage responsible reporting of any vulnerabilities that may be found in our applications.




Provide a short summary of the vulnerability


Describe the technical details of the vulnerability



Please upload to any file storage and paste the link

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