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ManyChat Product Update, August 24

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Written by Andrey Lipkovskiy
Product Updates - 3 min read
ManyChat Product Update, August 24

Good news – we just released some bug fixes, and we have a couple of important updates for you. Here they are! ?

Create Custom Invoices
Have you ever written into customer support to ask for a customized ManyChat invoice for your business? Remember all those times when we wrote back and said “some day, my friend…some day.“

Well, some day just became today. From now on, you’re able to get customized invoices sent to your billing email, and you can also download them from Settings>Billing>Invoice Data whenever you want!

You can now enter your company name, address, and any additional information (like registration numbers and tax IDs) right in Invoice Data, and all of your custom info will show up on your invoice every month ?

A smarter way to view responses to questions you ask with the User Input block

This wasn’t super easy to do before, so we made it better ? Now, you can view all responses to a User Input Block right in ManyChat. No need to pipe the data to a third party system just to view your entries.

Where to find your user input entries
Whenever your conversations have User Input fields in them, a “Responses” link will show up under the stats for that conversation. This special link will take you to where subscriber responses live in ManyChat!

You’ll immediately see the responses in a spreadsheet-type view, and you’ll also have a couple of neat viewing options:
1. Switch to the Feed View to see real-time responses one-by-one. This is especially useful for ManyChat bots designed to take orders or collect lead-gen information from subscribers.
2. Export the data to a CSV file, so you can open it in your spreadsheet software of choice, upload it to a CRM, or even forget about it in your downloads folder.

The ability to view responses right in ManyChat should help you have even more fun with the User Input block. We hope these new data views inspire you to gather even more information from your subscribers(emails, phone numbers, orders, bookings, surveys, etc).

Other pretty important improvements

Some of our stats displayed strangely (one person had a 256% CTR on a button, which was impossible and impressive). We fixed our stats counting mechanism to make your analytics far more accurate and reliable!

Also, we’re always trying to clean up around here and make the interface a beautiful place to work in. We’ve fine-tuned some design stuff to make ManyChat even easier on the eyes.

We’re continuously deploying bug fixes to make ManyChat the most stable, scalable, and reliable Messenger Marketing platform in the world.

If you submitted a bug earlier this month, chances are it just got fixed ?

Some ongoing stuff

We’re still working with Facebook to understand what’s going on with the JSON bugs and Comments GT permissions errors.

We’ve gotten word from FB that they’ve been able to reproduce the infamous “double JSON message” bug, and are now in the process of debugging. As soon as we have more information from them, we’ll pass it on to you!

The Comments GT issues are a bit more opaque, and FB needs more time to diagnose these strange bugs. Once we have an update from them, we’ll pass it along!

ManyChat Team.

Originally published: Aug 24, 2017, Updated: Aug 24, 2017
Andrey Lipkovskiy Avatar

Andrey Lipkovskiy