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Missed Conversations 2019? Watch Mikael Yang’s Keynote from Conversations

Fara Rosenzweig Avatar
Written by Fara Rosenzweig
Missed Conversations 2019? Watch Mikael Yang’s Keynote from Conversations

Some came for the EDC light show, some came for the product update. But everyone came to Conversations 2019 in Austin, Texas for the news about the future of ManyChat and tips on how to thrive in the new era of marketing.

With that in mind, Mikael Yang, our CEO, made many product announcements that will better your lead generation and customer-relation growth. From Paypal and Shopify integration to Native ActiveCampaign and Chat Marketing, watch how far ManyChat has come over the years, where the market is going, feature announcements, and more! 

Watch Mikael Yang’s Keynote from Conversations 2019

Mikael Yang’s Conversations 2019 Keynote, Austin, Texas.

Now, SMS and email are a part of ManyChat’s platform — no app-hopping, no more wasted time. You can now create and send conversations inside Flow Builder. And the best part is you never have to leave ManyChat to crush your marketing campaigns. 

Build your bot. Chat with customers. Convert leads. And repeat. 

Loved Conversations 2019? Sign up for exclusive pricing and updates for Conversations 2020.

Originally published: Sep 19, 2019, Updated: May 5, 2020
Fara Rosenzweig Avatar

Fara Rosenzweig

Fara is ManyChat's Head of Content and brings over 15 years of content experience. Her love for storytelling has earned her an Emmy Award, and she's been featured in many publications. When not wordsmithing or talking about Chat Marketing, you'll find her globe-trotting while logging miles for her next half marathon and 70.3 IRONMAN.