Corporate Natalie at Instagram Summit

Corporate Natalie Header

Let’s circle back. Put a pin in it. Low-hanging fruit. Boil the ocean. If you’ve worked in the corporate or the tech world, you know these phrases — because they’re burned into your brain. Someone on some team has said them, and something inside you probably cringed. We’ve all been there. She’s just been there in the millions. No big deal or anything. 

Corporate Natalie was smart enough to take all these words and office culture in general and showcase the good, the bad, and many parts that are just a little too relatable across her social media channels. Because, let’s be honest, there are jokes to be made about the absolutely awful coworker who steals someone’s tuna salad sandwich or about that person in the meeting who always has a question at the end. And dealing with the never-ending plethora of new work-from-home rules or when some terrible person schedules a 4 p.m. meeting on a Friday. 

That’s the thing about social media — we stir the gumbo of intent and experience, and sometimes, the flavor of just enough snark is enough to get folks talking. Corporate Natalie has gotten that mix correct. 

And guess what? She’s coming to Manychat’s premier event: The Instagram Summit. 

Now in its fourth year, Instagram Summit by Manychat is the go-to event for mastering growth, engagement, and conversions. On October 2nd and 3rd, join creators, marketers, and social media pros under one virtual roof — and learn from the biggest names in the game.

With her signature blend of wit, charm, and the ability to groan when someone says, “dot our I’s and cross our T’s,” Corporate Natalie will join us for her session: The New Normal? How to WFH and Grow on Social Media (Q&A only).

If you’ve been trying to figure out how to blend a little spice and humor with your content, this is one of the many informative speaker tracks that makes IGSxM the event that everyone in the creator world can’t miss. 

For just $29 you’ll get a ton of stuff: 

  • Access to all live main stage and breakout track sessions
  • Access to automation workshops
  • Access to networking sessions and opening day party
  • Access to all sessions on-demand for up to 6 months

Grab your ticket today before it’s too late. 

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