Why Am I Losing Instagram Followers? Top Reasons and Solutions

You’re sitting on the couch, and you notice the data: It’s going down. You immediately start out wondering, “Why am I losing Instagram followers?” There could be a few reasons.

Instagram can be a finicky beast. One minute, you’re the hottest creator on two wheels, and the next, you’re wondering why no one is leaving a comment on your newest reels. (That rhymed, so ya know it’s true.)

But what happens when you start actively losing followers instead of gaining them? 

There’s gotta be a reason. Maybe you inadvertently changed your content somehow; perhaps you’re not posting enough. 

There could be a lot of factors at play. Whatever the case, the Manychat crew is here to help you fix whatever’s going on – we’re quite possibly the biggest fans of the creator community. 

We hooked up with our social guru, Mel, who knows all of the hot tips and tricks for both TikTok and Instagram. (Seriously, she’s flown first class worldwide thanks to being cool online while the rest of us are back in coach.) Because she’s the social queen, Mel helped us curate a list of ways to get that follower count back up. 

But first, a note from Mel: “it may not be your fault. Sometimes we do absolutely everything right, and we’re still losing followers. It really is not you, it’s them. And losing followers can be a good thing, because it means you’re that much closer to hitting your perfect audience!”

Instagram Shadowbans

The elephant in the room: Instagram shadowbans

If you’re losing followers, you might be shadowbanned. Not exactly what you want to hear, but depending on the content you’re posting, it’s possible. 

What is shadowbanning? It’s when the Instagram algorithm penalizes your content and makes it less visible to followers without your knowledge. Organic reach tanks if Instagram deems your hashtags to be spammy, you’re reported often, or you violate community guidelines. (Shadowbanning happens to content creators who like to push the limits on what they’re allowed to post. Be mindful of this, just sayin’.)

It remains a hot topic of conversation in the social media marketing world. The algorithm isn’t transparent, so it’s easy to see why a lack of engagement can lead people to think they’ve been hit with a stealth ban. Your Instagram profile could take a serious hit, and next thing you know, there will be no Instagram growth. Instagram stated “shadowbanning isn’t real” in 2018; a spokesperson eventually admitted the platform does have measures to limit inappropriate content, further fueling the controversy.

In 2021, the brand shared more detail about how the Instagram algorithm works and touched on shadowbanning. Instagram has committed to being more transparent about why posts get removed or not shown to others, so it remains to be seen how that promise will play out in the future. As we said, this may not be the case for you, but if you’re constantly pushing content that gets flagged, that could be a big reason for the fall-off. Now that’s out of the way, let’s get into the more generalized reasons. 

Why you’re losing Instagram followers — and how to fix it

We’ve collected some of the most common reasons why your follower count is going all rollercoaster — we’ve also compiled a list ways to help solve it, as well. (With the help of Mel, of course.) So, if you’re struggling to figure out why there’s been a break in your action, we’re here to help. 

Whoops… you paid for followers

There are 2.4 billion Instagram users globally. That’s a vast audience with massive potential, but attracting a genuine audience takes time and energy. Building a genuine fanbase requires a significant commitment, which is why many folks dive into the quick fix of paying for likes to inflate their number of fans slash followers.

If you buy Instagram followers, the lack of engagement from these bot followers impacts visibility in the Explore and Home feeds. This makes it harder to reach real people when the paid-for followers drop off your account. Instagram has plenty of tools to weed out the fake accounts, so be wary. Spam accounts will do harm, so don’t forget that.

“Also, even if you’ve not bought followers, sometimes ghost accounts will follow you for XYZ reasons,” says Mel. “And those will eventually die off. Whether the accounts close, Instagram shuts them down, or they clear everything on the account… It’s a good thing when you lose them.”

The fix: Stop. Buying. Followers.

Buying Instagram followers isn’t the way forward. If you’re buying followers, pump the brakes on that. Look through the list of accounts following you and prune it, leaving only genuine followers. Don’t fall back into buying followers—even if you have a target to hit. Seriously. Don’t buy Instagram followers, and don’t buy Instagram comments. 

According to the folks at the social media tool Dash Hudson, “If you do go ahead and buy followers, you’ll harm your social profiles and analytics. You’ll no longer be able to rely on your engagement or Effectiveness Rates to see what works for your social media marketing strategy as the high follower count and lack of activity will skew your data. Your Reels, Stories, and post strategies will all be impacted as your purchased followers are not your target audience so it will be difficult to see what information grabs the attention of your ideal persona.”

Instagram’s account removal policy clearly states that fake accounts aren’t welcome on the platform. Bot accounts and fake followers are often removed in large batches. If your follower count drops significantly in a single day, this could be the cause. The Instagram feed rewards genuine content made by real people. 

Many people aren’t even aware that they have fake followers, and you can be targeted by them even if your Instagram strategy is entirely authentic. If this is the standout reason you’re losing followers, take comfort that the rest of your approach means you’re doing something right.

There’s not a lot you can do about losing fake followers. It’s a net positive for your engagement rate in the long run—these lost followers weren’t bringing you value. Keep your focus on your Instagram strategy, learn new Instagram tips, and create better experiences for your audience.

Pro tip from Mel: “Instagram now has a feature that allows you to remove followers “flagged for review”. There are accounts that, in Instagrams eyes, seem fishy and would be beneficial for you to remove from your audience. You can find this by tapping into your “followers” and a pop-up will appear at the top of the followers list.”

Follow-for-follow schemes

Follow-for-follow tactics remain popular with brands that want to inflate their numbers. Follow-for-follow means you follow other accounts, then hit “unfollow” when they follow back. Your numbers rise, but at what cost? The practice is shady.

Follow/unfollow is a game you will lose in the long run. These need to be more engaged followers, and they might not even be relevant. Plus, it can be a huge turn-off when people realize you’re in the follow/unfollow game. Disengaged followers will drop off, leaving you with a bad reputation in your community.

The fix: Focus on natural Instagram growth tactics

Using a follow-for-follow scheme offers a fast way to reach a follower target, but those followers won’t stick around. Instead, embrace more authentic ways to grow your account following. Try optimizing your bio, creating a theme, and hosting giveaways. Be real. Create a sense of community, and do your best to create the content people want to follow. 

Confusing Brand Image

Confusing brand image

We love us some variety, but if you wanna stem the follower flow and grow, consistency is the way to go.

Your Instagram profile, bio, and feed should showcase exactly what your brand is all about. There should be no confusion over whether you’re a beauty brand or a pet meme account. Follower growth is based on consistency, and losing followers happens if you muddy the waters of what you’re putting out there to your audience. 

When someone’s discovering your business on Instagram, they want to know exactly who you are and why they should follow you. The same applies if they stumble across your Instagram profile while curating their feed. If your brand image and unique selling proposition (aka USP) aren’t clear, they won’t stick around.

A note from Mel on the power of consistency: “The platforms reward consistency. This doesn’t mean you have to post every single day, multiple times a day (lets be so fr, that’s not realistic), it just means you need to have some type of consistency your audience can expect from you in terms of posting. Don’t post 4 times a week, then ghost for 2 weeks, then come back and expect everything to still be normal.”

The fix: Curate your Instagram brand

Think of your Instagram presence as a moving gallery. Plan, curate, and guard the way your brand looks on the platform. Strive for interest and engagement.

“With your Instagram account, you have seven seconds or fewer to generate a first visual impression,” says Taylor Murchison, SEO Growth Director at On the Map Marketing.  “You’re losing Instagram followers if you’re not properly engaging folks.” Obviously, we agree.

Invest time in building a strategy that outlines your unique selling proposition alongside the type of content, colors, hashtags, language, and emojis you’ll use. With a curated feed, your audience will feel more at home and less likely to leave.

Low engagement

A low engagement rate can make it harder for you to find new audiences and retain existing followers. It’s a sign that you’re not helping to grow the community around you or that your content could be better. Talk to your people, leave comments, and answer those Instagram DMs. All of the little things do matter.

The Instagram algorithm favors content with high engagement. If your content doesn’t do well, it’s less likely to appear in the Explore feed. Low engagement with other accounts can also have an impact. Other accounts are less likely to engage with you if you’re not supporting them. (We can help you with engagement.)

The fix: Engage more and create your community

If you lose Instagram followers because of low engagement, the answer is simple: Spend more time engaging. Reply to comments and DMs, and engage with content and your Instagram feed. Most business accounts only see a 1% engagement rate on posts, so there’s plenty of room to grow.

“Remember your audience is your COMMUNITY,” says Mel. “Respond to their questions, take time to thank them for their support and continued engagement, build conversations, show them you’re human.” 

Mindy Marzec of Fairy Tale Social recommends nurturing a community: “Instead of thinking ‘How can my followers help me?’, switch it to ‘How can I help my community today?’ ‘How can I make their day better?’ ‘How can I teach them something or improve their lives?’”

“Content that educates or entertains is more likely to be shared, which should be your number one goal,” Marzec says. “We want our fans to show our content to their friends, which in turn will create new fans.” While it takes time and effort, building a community will result in long-term benefits. 

Inconsistent posting schedule

Inconsistent posting schedule

Remember what our dear friend Mel said earlier: An inconsistent posting schedule is a huge contributor to losing Instagram followers. If people can’t find your content, they can’t engage with it, making it difficult for you to build loyalty and trust over time.

Your followers might love your Instagram posts, but the algorithm won’t show them your content if you rarely post. You also can run into problems if you’re too active — especially if it’s a departure from your usual posting strategy.

The fix: Find a schedule that works and stick to it

Your audience wants consistency. Make that easier by finding a schedule that suits your resources and your audience and committing to it. Businesses on Instagram post an average of 1.56 times per day, and 67% of users visit daily. Posting content with this in mind gives you more chances to build relationships. 

Speaking of timescales, post content to Instagram when your audience is active. Research shows that midday throughout the week is the best time to post on Instagram, though this varies dramatically based on your audience, industry, or time zone. Lean on Instagram Insights to find peak times for your business’s account, and don’t be afraid to experiment to find the times that work best for you.

Way too much promotional content

Sharing promotions, offers, and brand collaborations is excellent occasionally. Yet oversharing and being too “salesy” can result in losing Instagram followers.

Most people don’t want their curated Instagram feed interrupted with a “20% off” graphic, especially if it’s bright, garish, and a change from your usual stunning photography. Your followers are there for a reason, and they’re not afraid to leave if your content no longer interests them.

The fix: Strike a balance between organic and promotional content

Cultivate an Instagram presence that balances engaging content with promotions. Focus on your organic content, but find ways to share relevant offers. Work with influencers to create more natural collaborations and revamp your sales graphics, like Origins’ did with its partnership with Rubina Dyan.

Another way to introduce sales-focused content in a fun way is through user-generated content. James Green, Owner at Build A Head, has seen success with posting customer-created content to their feed. “It’s great marketing for our products, and it’s easy for us, because all we do is post the content our customers send us. It gives our page that personal connection that consumers are demanding today.”

Uninspiring Instagram captions

Instagram captions are ideal for sharing your behind-the-scenes moments, but Instagram feed posts still reach double the number of people of any other format. Your feed imagery and captions matter, so you’re missing out if you’re not making them engaging.

You want people to feel compelled to interact with everything you post, and uninspiring captions don’t elicit likes and comments. Without that engagement, reaching new accounts and keeping your existing audience is harder.

The fix: Treat your captions like a part of your community

Adapt your content strategy to think more like a content creator. Use your captions as a meeting place for your digital community — like Caudaleius. This brand encourages followers to tag an inspiring woman in the comments section of its Instagram post:

“Ask questions, use your audience’s language, and embrace emojis and humor to tell a story (if it suits your brand). Become known for having an amazing little community in your captions. People will want to stick around to be part of it.”

Changes in your audience

Changes in your audience

Sometimes, you can lose Instagram followers at no fault of your own. Consumer habits change — maybe they’ve discovered a preference for video content, and you post still images. Sometimes, your content is no longer relevant. For example, if someone’s moved past the baby stage, switched careers, or downsized their home, they may be less inclined to find value in your content.

Instagram is the world’s fifth most popular social media platform, but Gen Z is now spending more time on TikTok. If Gen Z is your key audience, this demographic shift could lead to lower engagement and lost Instagram followers. It’s one example of a change in habits or lifestyle that can impact your engagement and follower count.

The fix: Change and grow with your audience or attract a new one

You’ll always lose a few followers due to lifestyle and habit changes. One fix is to adapt your content to continue the journey alongside them. You could expand your offering to a new age range or add more video content to appeal to them. Sometimes the best option is to attract your now-audience but a stage behind, so there’s room for them to grow with you. A new follower is consistently on your team, so keep them engaged. An Instagram post that shows your spirit is critical to saying nope and losing Instagram followers. 

Take control to keep and grow your Instagram following

Losing Instagram followers is an unfortunate part of the equation, but there are tactics you can employ to reduce the impact.

Revamp your Instagram strategy, listen to your audience, and create a sense of community to drive engagement. It’ll position you to better serve the audience you already have. 

Create more opportunities to engage your audience with ManyChat for Instagram

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