Conversations 2019 Speaker Highlight: Matt Plapp

matt plapp conversations 2019 speaker

In a quick-moving market, and an era of “want it now”, gaining and retaining clients can be challenging. 

However, with the right strategy and useful tools, finding the right customers and building a business doesn’t have to be daunting. 

With only a few weeks away from Conversations 2019, we’re excited to share that Matt Plapp, CEO of Driven Media Solutions and ROI Expert, will be speaking about his solution to help you find the right clientele and how you can retain them with the right tools in place. With tactical advice, Matt will leave you inspired and ready to acquire the right clients. 

Meet the Speaker

Matt Plapp, CEO of Driven Media Solutions and ROI Expert
Session: Gaining & Retaining Clients With Trackable Results

Wanting more tips and advice to grow your business? Come to Conversations 2019!

Matt Plapp has been in marketing since 1999, beginning his own digital agency in 2008. He realized he needed to streamline his business when, at one point, he had 34 clients from 31 industries. In 2015, Matt created the ROI Engine, a restaurant customer acquisition tool, and, in 2017, he transitioned his program over exclusively to ManyChat and Messenger.

Today, thousands of restaurants and over 250 agencies worldwide use the ROI Engine. From corporate America to locally owned companies, Matt’s been involved in most forms of marketing and has seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. He has a strong passion for guerilla and grassroots marketing, social media, and internal marketing strategies. His goal is to help others create and implement a plan that will work as a foundation for their company’s brand.  

Don’t forget to join in on our Conversations 2019: Meet the Speakers weekly Facebook Live series to learn more about who’s who and what they are up to. Tune in every Thursday 9 AM PDT.

About Conversations 2019

Conversations 2019 is two days of bot advice, insights, and motivation to help you take your business to the next level. So, what are you waiting for? Don’t miss out on the next era of Messenger Marketing. Register today — tickets are selling quickly! #Conversations2019

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