Instagram DM Automation by ManyChat Is Finally Available!

Instagram is here

Instagram DM Automation is finally here, and all of us at ManyChat are incredibly excited to add this important channel to the Chat Marketing revolution!

If you haven’t been following, Instagram and Facebook had previously restricted access to DM Automation based on an account’s follower count. But now it’s available to everyone!

In celebration of releasing this powerful new channel, we’re offering Instagram DM Automation and all of our Pro features FREE for 90 days if you sign up by August 31, 2021(some restrictions apply). 

To get started today, go to to get started or click below. If you already have a ManyChat account, simply go to your Settings —> Instagram and connect your Instagram account there.

We know everyone is excited to dive into Instagram DM Automation. Now that it’s available for everyone, here are some great resources to help your brand get ahead while it’s hot

Getting Started with Instagram DM Automation

Read our easy-to-follow guide to get you started 

There are a few things you need to confirm on your Instagram account before you connect it to ManyChat. Check out our super simple guide with an easy checklist for you to follow. If you’re having any issues during sign up, be sure to double-check this guide first.

Watch the official Instagram DM Automation video course

ManyChat is proud to release our official Instagram DM Automation course, accessible today! Click here to watch it now. The on-demand video course is your best resource for learning the basics of Instagram DM Automation, key features, and executing Instagram marketing campaigns for maximum results. 

Check our blog for key Instagram DM Automation success stories and campaign ideas

Instagram DM Automation is all we’re writing about these days! Visit our blog often to read Instagram case studies, campaign ideas, and best practices. Here’s a great starting blog piece that describes the key features of Instagram DM Automation.

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