📣 Meet the latest power couple: Ads that Click to Subscribe and Messenger Lists in Manychat.
What are Ads that Click to Subscribe?
Ads that Click to Subscribe are shown in the Facebook and Instagram feeds and are the easiest way for your audience to subscribe to your Messenger Lists.
Ads that Click to Subscribe pair with your Messenger List on Manychat, so you can instantly obtain consent to re-engage every single subscriber who opts in.
Currently, Ads that Click to Subscribe are shown in Messenger and Instagram Feeds and are in an open Beta.
Take a look:

Unlike Ads that Click to Message, Ads that Click to Subscribe show the Messenger List opt-in invitation immediately after your audience clicks on the ad, streamlining the user journey and emphasizing the opt-in invitation.

So the ad, opt-in message, and opt-in confirmation are shown within the Facebook and Instagram apps. These messages will be shown in Messenger.
What is a Messenger List?
Formerly called Recurring Notifications, Messenger Lists are a smart and cost-effective way to communicate with your subscribers in Manychat after the initial 24 hours have passed.
Ads that Click to Subscribe are paired with Manychat Messenger Lists, which are the official way you obtain your subscribers’ permission to broadcast to them on a daily basis – directly in Messenger.
Step 1: Create a Messenger List topic and opt-in invitation message in Manychat
🔥 For a detailed guide on how to create Messenger List topics in Manychat, go to this article.
Before you start creating your Ads that Click to Subscribe in Ads Manager, it’s important to create your Messenger List topic and opt-in invitation message in Manychat.
Don’t skip this step! This topic and opt-in invitation flow will be connected to your Ads that Click to Subscribe in Ads Manager in the next step.
⚠️ You must create the Messenger List topic and opt-in invitation in Manychat before you go into Ads Manager to create your ad. If you create the ad first, you will need to discard the draft and start the ad creation process again.
Step 2: Start creating your ad in Ads Manager

Once you have created your Messenger List topic opt-in invitation in Manychat, you can start the ad creation process in Ads Manager.
Ads that Click to Subscribe are only available under the Engagement objective, so select this objective at the ad set level.

Next, ensure that “Messenger” is selected as the messaging app at the ad set level, as Ads that Click to Subscribe are optimized for delivery through Messenger.

You can choose the call to action (CTA) at the ad level.

Meta recommends using “Get updates” or “Get promotions” as the CTA, although these options may be subject to change.
Step 3: Select the Messenger List opt-in
In the Message template at the ad level, make sure to select “Send marketing messages” as the option.

Ads that Click to Subscribe are delivery-optimized for opt-ins, so a pop-up will appear. Hit “Continue”.

Hit “Edit” to open the message template.

Here, you can also add an additional welcome message to the opt-in invitation to make it more engaging for your audience.
In the dropdown “Topic” list, you will see the Messenger List topic that you created in Manychat.
Select this option to connect your ad with the Messenger List opt-in invitation.
Hit “Save and finish”.
Step 4: Review and publish your ad

Double-check all the settings and options in your ad, including the opt-in invitation, CTA, and message template. Once you are satisfied with your ad, click on the “Publish” button to make it live.
And that’s it! 🙌
Your Ads that Click to Subscribe are now set up and ready to help you build a database for marketing purposes, send marketing messages to your target audience, and re-engage your customers to generate more sales. 🤑
Final thoughts
Ads that Click to Subscribe are a powerful tool for building a loyal audience, capturing leads, and driving sales.
By following these simple steps, you can create effective and engaging ads that will help you hit those sales targets, grow your list, or support your marketing efforts.
Try Ads that Click to Subscribe and Manychat today!
⭐ Check out:
How to broadcast with Facebook
Introducing Ads that Click to Subscribe: The new way to capture and re-engage subscribers!