Molly Mahoney: 1 Million Organic Reach with ManyChat

Molly Mahoney doing the face

How Messenger Bots and ManyChat Took my Facebook Live Video Reach Past 1 Million.

About 2 months ago I went live to share my favorite new social media technique, Facebook Messenger Bots, with the rockstars in my community. I had no idea it would end up being one of my most viewed videos, and have such a seriously crazy level of organic reach and engagement.

Molly Mahoney is a Camera Confidence Coach, Author, and FbLive Ninja! After graduating from Chapman University with a BFA in Theater and Dance, she toured the world working professionally as a performer for more than 10 years. She now uses all that she learned building her performance career in NYC, on Cruise Ships, Regional Theaters and in Las Vegas in order to help her students and clients unlock their inner awesome and elevate it so they can share their goodness with clarity, confidence, and (most importantly) joy.


How Messenger Bots and ManyChat Took My Facebook Live Video Reach Past 1 Million


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