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[Video] How to Build a Valentine’s Day Bot

Fara Rosenzweig Avatar
Escrito por Fara Rosenzweig
Chat Marketing, How Tos, Video - 3 Leitura Mínima
[Video] How to Build a Valentine’s Day Bot

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, we figured there’s no better way to celebrate than creating a fun, holiday-themed bot.

Whether promoting gifts for loved ones or selling Valentine’s Day activities, a bot can help boost holiday sales. 

Not sure where to start? Get inspired with this romance choose-your-own-adventure story bot and see how you can, too, build a sweet flow and get that mojo going.

[Video] How to Build a Valentine’s Day Bot

Create the Content

We suggest outlining the story you want to tell in a text document. This will help you share the content in a coherent manner and make building your image and text blocks easier. 

In the video, we have protagonist Kip Handsomson in a pickle: who will he ask out on a date? The bot is designed to allow the user to pick his adventure. Kip’s love options include Betty Ladyton, Greta Huginkiss, and Couch. Throughout the story, the bot gives options and the user picks what Kip should do. 

Starting Your Valentine’s Day Bot

So we start off in this case with a bot that’s already existing and connected to a Facebook business page, the Hans Fletcher Dating and Life Coach. Note: this bot needs to be updated for the coming 2020 changes. You can build this flow right in an existing account, or go whole hog and create new page and bot for the project.

In ManyChat, head to the left menu and click Flows. 

Click Flow

Select New Flow on the upper right corner. 

new flow button

Call it something more creative than Romance Bot. We were not creative. 

name flow

On the block, click Add a Text. This is where you can start to copy your story from your text doc.

add content block
add copy to flow

Give the story button options. If you’ve ever built a bot before (and you probably have), this is all pretty elementary. We’re basically building out a branching storyline of text and image blocks connected with buttons. Be as creative as you want here.

add buttons

Build new content blocks off of each button by sending a new message.

add message
content blocks

Repeat the same steps over and over as you build out your story plotline and branches. You’ll click Send Message. Add Text. Add Buttons. On each button, just click Send Message, and paste in the storyline for that part of the adventure. 

repeat steps

Once the Flow is complete, hit Publish in the upper-right corner.

publish flow

Add your Keyword

Because this Romance Flow needs to be connected to another Flow, a Growth Tool or Keyword in order to be accessible, we’re going to connect it to a Keyword that will activate it in Messenger.

So on the left menu, click Keywords.

add keyword

On the upper right, select New Keyword.

In this instance, we’re using a keyword so it won’t interrupt the normal operations of the Dating Coach bot. Anyone who punches in the secret keyword “Romance” will be able to enjoy the story.

When you type in the new keyword, make sure you connect it to an existing Flow. 

existing flow
select existing flow

And there you have it. 

Now you can see the flow working. 

Romance Bot

Try not to swoon too hard.

Valentine’s Day is one way to give your bot personality and fun content to engage with your audience. Having creative adventure-like bots not only offers an interactive experience but also helps build a relationship with your audience and can drive leads to become loyal customers. So give your bot personality, try some fun content, and explore new ways to use your bot this Valentine’s Day.

Publicado originalmente em: Jan 17, 2020, Atualizado: Aug 4, 2020
Fara Rosenzweig Avatar

Fara Rosenzweig

Fara is ManyChat's Head of Content and brings over 15 years of content experience. Her love for storytelling has earned her an Emmy Award, and she's been featured in many publications. When not wordsmithing or talking about Chat Marketing, you'll find her globe-trotting while logging miles for her next half marathon and 70.3 IRONMAN.