As a creator, you probably make cool stuff.
That cool stuff you make then makes people curious.
Curious people ask questions.
Get enough curious people, asking questions, and soon, you’re slammed.
In fact, if you’re a social media creator with a certain size following, your inbox is likely on fire — and we mean that in a bad way. You’re answering the same questions over and over and over and over again. That’s tedious.
As in burning. As in uncontrolled. As in… painful.
Thankfully, modern technology has afforded creators a tool in the well-meaning war against hordes of curious people: Manychat. 👋
If you have folks knocking down your door, wanting to know what’s going on, where’s the link to the T-shirt you’re selling, or even more so if you’re promoting a special course or offering consultation services, people should have that information instantly. This is just one of the amazing ways Manychat can help you do just that (with a lil pizazz, too).
So, how does a creator handle all those FAQs on Instagram with Manychat?
We made you a list.
DM Automation
Imagine a keyword as a secret spell. If someone comments using a specific word — or casts the spell — they’ll get a DM answer, thanks to the power of automation.
Automate responses based on specific words your followers use. They drop a “spell” or “wizard”
in the comments to a reel you’ve posted and boom, you’re sending them a DM letting them know how to join your magic school.
A quick reply gets the job done by knowing how to use the power of a direct message, which helps a new follower especially as they’re learning all about you. This feature is a huge way to engage with new followers. By setting a comment that triggers a response, you’ll see an uptick in engagement, but also ones who want to buy that “how-to” session you’re promoting or even just that collab wizard wand you’ve made with Olivander’s wand shop.
Pro tip: The simpler the CTA, the more effective the campaign.
But remember! Specificity is key. Avoid general words like “well” to prevent mix-ups with “wellness” or “farewell.” Fine-tune those keywords and watch the magic unfold. (Letter to Hogwarts not included.) 🦉

Visuals and Interactives
The DM automation ain’t just about text anymore. Add photos, clarity, and interactive elements to guide your followers to the next step. Whether it’s a call-to-action or a simple response, make it visually appealing and super clear. Because sometimes, a picture truly is worth a thousand words or whatever the old cliché is.
However you choose to engage in Instagram marketing, this is one of those features every social media creator loves because when that social inbox is overflowing, it means people want to be on your team — even if it’s via your photos or videos. Learn to love the automation tool, it’s some good stuff.

Automated Follow-Ups: The Persistence Masters
When it comes to FAQs, sometimes one response isn’t enough. Automated Follow-Ups ensure you stay on top of conversations. Set them up to ping your followers with additional info or a friendly lil nudge if they haven’t replied or clicked your link. It’s like having a robot assistant that never forgets. And you can follow up with an offer to convert them after they ask a question. There’s a lot to love here.
By embracing the automated response, you’ll get to provide the answers people want via that powerful Instagram story because those follow-ups matter in the fast moving world of social media.

Conditions: The Decision-Makers
Conditions in Manychat allow you to create highly personalized interactions. Based on your followers’ actions or responses, these conditions decide the next steps automatically. Did someone ask a specific question? Trigger a tailored response. It’s like having a conversation architect building pathways based on each follower’s needs.
BONUS STUFF: There’s also a condition that lets you carve a segment based on whether someone follows your account! You can use this super power to gain more followers and grow your account! 🙂 An automated message can take the every day social media message and transform it into a major sales driver. All you gotta do is learn to love the power of an automated response. The Instagram DM + conditions are one of best ways to convert, convert, convert.

And that’s the news fit to print. If you’re considering becoming a Manychat user, we’d love to show you how (probably) The World’s Greatest Social Media Super App can help you get more leads, gain more followers, and get you into the next stratosphere as a creator. The social inbox is the gateway to more sales, more leads, and more engagement. How a social media creator chooses to do their Instagram marketing is a personal journey, but we’re here to help see those Instagram followers come by the truckload. Beep beep.